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AboutĀ me

I'm David and I'm here to teach you how to be your own Boswell.Ā 

I am an old school storyteller having written and recorded over 1600 stories for Sparkle Stories and other platforms. I now teach tranformational storytelling tools and strategies to teachers, leaders and change makers. I've taught hundreds of courses, been the keynote of dozens of national conferences, and shared these tools with people across the globe. In the end, it turns out to be a process of channeling practical wisdom from someĀ fascinating and compassionate entities that would love to work with you as well. I'd love to introduce you!

My Methods

Truth, integrity and deep empathy

Storytelling is a human being's primary way of interfacing with the world and all her people. Learning these transformative tools changes how you know the world, and become a part of it.

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